Staff Appreciation: Why It Matters and How to Do It Affordably

Show Your Staff Appreciation

Your staff is the backbone of your company and one of your most valuable assets. But with the everyday demands of the workplace, saying thank you can get lost in the shuffle. That’s a problem—because if you don’t let them know you appreciate their contributions, they are more likely to become disconnected from their work.

Here’s why employee appreciation efforts matter—and how you can affordably and proactively recognize your staff throughout the year.

How Appreciation Affects Your Staff Retention

Acknowledging your staff’s successes and contributions helps them feel valued, which can make them more invested in successful work outcomes. The positive effects of employee appreciation include:

  • Enhanced productivity. Employees who feel appreciated are more likely to be motivated to do their best work. And they’re also more likely to go the extra mile on projects when needed.
  • Higher morale. No one wants to do a thankless job. Giving staff members credit for their contributions makes them more likely to feel optimistic about their role. They’re less likely to miss work or show up late.
  • Lower turnover. A recent Pew Research Center survey revealed that 57% of workers cite a lack of respect at work as a reason for quitting. By contrast, employees who feel appreciated are less likely to leave their jobs for other opportunities.
  • Less stress. Employees who feel appreciated are less likely to experience stress at work. Their energy can go into higher performance and creativity.
  • Improved customer service: Employees who feel appreciated are more likely to provide excellent customer service, which is good for business.
  • Increased creativity: When employees know you respect what they do, they feel more energized to give their best. They’re more likely to be creative and innovative in their work.

To encourage employees to stay connected and energized about their role, employers should purposefully and proactively cultivate engagement in the workplace. After all, you’ve invested time and money into training your staff and setting them up for success. And the best return on that investment is recognizing their efforts and giving them incentives to remain in their jobs.

8 Ways to Show Staff Members You Appreciate Them

There are many ways to acknowledge the work your staff members do. Of course, a boost in pay or a promotion are the most obvious options, if that fits into your budget and is an appropriate move to make. But if that’s not a fit for your company right now, don’t stress. It’s possible to get quite creative to make your thank-yous affordable, practical, and fun. 

Here are eight affordable ways to show appreciation to your employees:

  1. Acknowledge accomplishments right away. When an employee does a good job, let them know. Quick, responsive thanks are always encouraging, reinforcing that you recognize the work they do each day. 
  2. Celebrate successes: Take the time to celebrate your employees’ successes, both big and small. Acknowledgments could involve a company-wide party, a small gift, or simply saying “congratulations.”
  3. Honor special days. Whether you do it with cake and cookies, signed cards, an extra hour for lunch, or other niceties, it’s helpful to recognize events such as birthdays, holidays, hiring anniversaries, or employee-of-the-month awards.
  4. Respond to mishaps with kindness. Everyone makes mistakes. When an employee makes a small error, address it—but don’t dwell on it. Instead, focus on the excellent work they do.
  5. Offer extra time off. If an employee has been working hard, consider awarding them a half-day or full day of extra personal time. It’s a practical way to show thanks and gives the person a chance to rest and return to work refreshed.
  6. Buy lunch, breakfast treats, or ice cream for your team. This is a simple gesture that can go a long way. People appreciate both the free food and the time to connect with fellow employees.
  7. Create an awards system. You could use anything from a simple point system based on achieving quotas to a more elaborate arrangement with prizes such as gift cards and other appealing items.
  8. Non-monetary rewards. If raises and bonuses are outside your budget right now, look for other ways to reward your staff. Let them choose a desk near the window if one is available, or invite them to work from home more often. 

Handle All Your HR Needs with Excellence — with Help from Who’s Your HR?

Showing your employees appreciation is vital to your business’s long-term staffing success. At Who’s Your HR?, we enjoy getting creative to help our clients establish inventive ways to recognize their workers.

Contact us at 539-215-8868 to schedule a consultation about recruiting, retention, affordable benefits, and other HR needs you have. We’re here to serve you!



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