How to Convert Top Job Candidates into Happy New Hires

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Does it seem to you as if effective modern-day hiring is more challenging than ever? You’re not imagining it. In many ways, finding new employees is a lot like choosing who to date. Doing it well requires a mind shift and a willingness to approach candidates differently than in the past. To convince great candidates to accept a role at your company, you have to be smart about it, and you can do it affordably. 

Today’s talent pool is sharp, savvy, and eager to find roles that offer great perks and work-life balance. But even when an organization offers those things, it’s possible to lose the candidate you want if you haven’t made a strong impression during the interview process.

Take these tips from the modern world of dating to help your company build good relationships with candidates and win them over when you extend a job offer.

See your candidates as real people. 

Candidates today appreciate roles that allow them to be purposeful members of a team, and they also want to grow in their careers. Organizations that make room for their employees to express their strengths at work are attractive to today’s talent. In fact, 58% of candidates want the opportunity to do what they do best, per this Gallup poll

What to do: 

To make hiring efforts effective, take time in interviews to find out what candidates are passionate about. Find out how they want to fit into your team. You’re looking to “click” with them and see if they click with your company. 

Create a great impression. 

Today’s candidates are probably talking with several companies and “dating around.” (See how to use modern dating tips to level up successful recruiting efforts.) It’s a good idea to lean into this trend and find ways to stand out as a great place to work. Aim to be memorable when you bring in prospective employees. 

What to do:

Invite the candidate into an interview space that is clean, bright, warm, and relaxed — so that you’re putting your company in its best light. Make them feel appreciated from the moment they arrive. A simple way to do so: Offer coffee, tea, or water as a courtesy. interviewees will appreciate the offer, even if they don’t take you up on it.

Evaluate how invested they are in your company. 

Great employees are driven to make a difference where they work. Whether that’s having a positive attitude toward coworkers or being enthusiastic about your goods and services, they should be bringing something beneficial to the table. 

What to look for:

Notice how they present themselves. Are they excited to be talking about this role? Do they ask great questions? Do they offer interesting insights that make you want to work with them? These are signs they’re engaged in they hiring process.

Maintain a respectful attitude. 

With so much of recruiting being computerized, automated, and virtual, it can be easy to tune out during recruiting. But that sends the wrong signal to job seekers. Resist the urge to be casual about recruitment and find ways to show you appreciate people who apply for open roles.

What to avoid:

Just as it’s not okay to disappear during dating, don’t ghost your candidates. Respond promptly, and communicate with transparency, whether you want to continue the relationship or not.

Be direct with your expectations. 

Successful relationships at work are rooted in clarity and a shared understanding of expectations. If candidates and companies are on the same page, it’s easier to make things work when you bring that new person onto your team. One way to build this positive rapport is to be clear about expectations, right from the start.

What to do:

Train hiring managers to ask thoughtful interview questions. These questions should be targeted carefully to highlight the company’s culture and goals, as well as how the specific open role fits into that. Our team at Who’s Your HR? can help provide training to your hiring team, as well as conduct recruiting efforts to ensure potential candidates know what’s expected if they take a role with your organization.

Be open to those with side hustles. 

These days, people often have a few different irons in the fire, and it’s a good idea to allow them to happen. As long as their side projects don’t pose a conflict of interest, the outlet can be a good way to provide creative freedom to your staff. Remember, happy people make happy employees.

What to do:

Find out what their goals are. If the role you’re hiring for will require someone to be flexible and work overtime, be upfront about it so interviewees can decide if that’s a fit.

Offer a full, robust recruitment package. 

Yes, candidates care about salary. That’s never going to change. But today, people want more than money. When surveyed by Gallup, 61% of job seekers noted that greater work-life balance and greater well-being are important to them. This desire for benefits beyond payroll is only increasing as workers become aware of opportunities such as working remotely. Businesses need to be competitive in this arena to find great hires.

What to do:

Perks like flexible hours, hybrid work options, volunteer days, community involvement, and PTO are highly prized, as are opportunities to learn and grow. So identify ways you can offer great benefits packages. And remember, there are affordable ways to do so that’ll delight employees. We can help you get super creative with perks that appeal to candidates while still fitting into your budget.

Ensure your company is diverse and inclusive. 

Diversity, inclusion, and equity can seem like buzzwords, but in today’s business world, they are essential. Don’t underestimate the value of creating a welcoming company culture that helps people of all types feel at home.

What to do:

Obviously, you’ll want to ensure compliance with laws and regulations such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. Beyond the basics, companies can ensure an inclusive environment through training, community involvement, and policies that encourage diversity. We’d be happy to help you brainstorm creative ways to do so.

Boost Your Recruiting Success — with Help from the Pros at Who’s Your HR?

Winning over the candidates you hire is important to building a strong, happy team of employees who make your business successful. How you treat potential candidates during the hiring process and how you present your company are major factors in getting people to sign on to work with you. So it matters to do your recruiting with excellence, and there are affordable ways to do so.

At Who’s Your HR?, we’re pros at helping businesses level up their recruiting efforts to draw in and win over top talent. We can train your team in smart recruiting techniques, conduct interviews on your behalf, and help you set up creative benefits plans that fit into your budget.

Contact us at 539-215-8868 to schedule a consultation about recruiting, training, affordable benefits packages, diversity and inclusion, and more.



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