HR Raw Blog

Reopening Checklist: How to Update HR Policies in Light of COVID-19

June 23, 2020

Back to Business Series Being an employer has always been complex. Navigating the legal nuances. Optimizing your workforce. Holding employees accountable. Building your business, your brand, and driving employee engagement. And then, COVID-19. COVID-19 has changed our world forever. While the workplace is only one of the aspects that have been impacted, the impact has…

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time now

All the Right Moves: 5 HR Tips to Implement for the New Year

December 17, 2019

As the end of the year rapidly approaches and the new year looms larger, this is an ideal time to take steps that will allow your business to move smoothly into the upcoming year. Now is an ideal time to complete last year’s tasks, tie up loose ends, set new goals, and launch into the…

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happy holidays

Happy Holidays? What Employers Need To Know

November 19, 2018

It’s nearly Thanksgiving in the United States and what most of us consider the start of the holiday season with the holiday’s of Christmas and New Year’s rounding out the festivities.  For many Americans, the holidays can be both a joyous time and a stressful time since it typically means more time with family, more…

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girl smoking

Legalized Marijuana; Now What?

November 4, 2018

With the recent announcement of Canada’s legalization plus the United States’ 9 states that have already legalized recreational marijuana and the 31 states which have legalized medical marijuana, it’s a topic employers can no longer afford to ignore. The question is, what should they do about it? While the number of states legalizing some form of…

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A (literal) Crap Day at Work!

September 11, 2018

If you know me, you’ll know I’m not much of a pet person….ok, yes, we have a dog in our home but it belonged to my husband and his kids first.  And in all fairness she is only six pounds and doesn’t tend to be much work. I’m allergic to most cats and dogs and…

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