HR Raw Blog

Image of harvest fruits and vegetables

It’s Harvest Time – Take Care of the Fruit of Your Workplace Labors

September 14, 2023

As we enter the end of the year, now is an ideal moment to reflect on the investment that we have made in ourselves, as well as what we have invested toward our employees and our organizations. Hopefully, we have all learned much this year that has benefited us. Now, it is getting close to…

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Woman using a phone

Why Can’t Employee Reviews Be More Like Yelp?!

September 20, 2018

Before I try almost anything new I check the online reviews.  New restaurant?  I open up yelp.  Heading to a new business in town?  I open up Google Maps. Purchasing something? I open up Amazon.  The reviews are simple, easy to read and extremely reliable.  I’ve never been led astray!  It’s a quick way for me…

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