HR Raw Blog

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15 Life Lessons I Learned in HR

October 14, 2018

I’ve spent the last decade and a half working in human resources and as a result, have seen and experienced things that many others aren’t always privy to in the workplace.  When it comes to dealing with people, it can be fascinating, frustrating, fulfilling, frenzied and fantastic all at the same time.  And while most…

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Woman using a phone

Why Can’t Employee Reviews Be More Like Yelp?!

September 20, 2018

Before I try almost anything new I check the online reviews.  New restaurant?  I open up yelp.  Heading to a new business in town?  I open up Google Maps. Purchasing something? I open up Amazon.  The reviews are simple, easy to read and extremely reliable.  I’ve never been led astray!  It’s a quick way for me…

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A (literal) Crap Day at Work!

September 11, 2018

If you know me, you’ll know I’m not much of a pet person….ok, yes, we have a dog in our home but it belonged to my husband and his kids first.  And in all fairness she is only six pounds and doesn’t tend to be much work. I’m allergic to most cats and dogs and…

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Stop Workplace Harassment

July 18, 2018

It’s no surprise there is increased attention in our workplaces to ensure respectful cultures are in place with the recent awakening our world has had following the spotlight brought about by the resurgence of the #MeToo movement over the course of the past year or so. As you know, culture in an organization is driven…

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Diverse volunteers taking a selfie together

Can My Boss Make Me Do That?

June 30, 2018

I’ve had lots of employees complain to me about their bosses over the course of my career; as you can imagine, it comes with the territory of being in human resources.  And, with all the recent publicity of the #metoo movement and public awareness on the topics of discrimination, inappropriate behavior and harassment in the…

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show me the money

Say This, Get a Raise

May 8, 2018

Unless you don’t want to know the proper way to ask for a raise, this article is a must read!  And, for the record, I’ve never met an adult employee that felt like they were sufficiently paid for the work they did at their job.  And, unless you are lucky enough to work at an awesome…

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