HR Raw Blog

Blog image for Converting Top Candidates into Happy Hires from Who's Your HR?

How to Convert Top Job Candidates into Happy New Hires

March 28, 2023

Does it seem to you as if effective modern-day hiring is more challenging than ever? You’re not imagining it. In many ways, finding new employees is a lot like choosing who to date. Doing it well requires a mind shift and a willingness to approach candidates differently than in the past. To convince great candidates…

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Modern Dating Tips that Make Your Recruiting Better

March 6, 2023

Just as dating in today’s world happens a lot differently than it did in the past, the same is true for finding great candidates for your open roles. While job boards, ads, and resumes are still popular, there are many other ways to find talented people who are a strong fit for your organization.  Consider…

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Cover image for Meet Daniel Horton Q&A on Who's Your HR? blog

Meet Daniel Horton

August 11, 2022

This summer, we’re celebrating employees who have served our country through military service. So today is a perfect time to introduce you to one of Who’s Your HR’s quiet heroes behind the scenes—our facilities manager, Daniel Horton, who has shared his experiences here with us and you about what it’s like to move from military…

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10 Smart Tips to Successfully Hire Veterans into Your Company - from Who's Your HR?

10 Smart Tips to Successfully Hire Veterans into Your Company

July 25, 2022

When it comes to finding the right employees to make your organization shine and reach its goals, there’s nothing quite like the value of bringing on military veterans. As you diversify hiring policies and procedures, be sure to include veterans among your targeted outreach—because these smart, skilled people make great additions to any staff. Here’s…

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Employee Benefits – No Matter Your Company Size

November 29, 2019

Penny Horton | November 29, 2019 It’s Time to Talk about Benefits It’s November, and that means it is not just the holiday season. It’s also the season for benefits open enrollment. And just like trying to find the right gift for the people on your holiday gift list, it can take time, attention, and…

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Rubics Cube Puzzle

Going Outside the Box: Why It Pays to Bring in an HR Consultant

October 23, 2019

Got employees? If you do, then you’ve got human resources needs as well. And there are likely to be times when your organization needs more than your in-house HR resources can provide. In those situations, it pays to bring in an HR consultant who can step in with specialized advice, training and more. Here are…

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Opioids in the Workplace

April 26, 2019

According to the Centers for Disease Control, the United States is facing an opioid overdose epidemic. Deaths due to opioids quadrupled between 2000 and 2014. At least half of these deaths were due to prescription opioids.

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Hourly / Salary, Exempt / Non-Exempt; What’s the Difference?

November 11, 2018

Employee exemption status can be confusing.  If used incorrectly, employers can face a variety of consequences including costly penalties under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) as well as applicable state and local laws and regulations. More often than not its the disgruntled employees (current and past ones), who will decide to call your pay…

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#EmployerReferenceRevolution –> Who’s With Me?!!!

August 29, 2018

A reference, as defined by is a “person to who one refers for testimony as to one’s character, abilities, etc.”.   Most employers will ask you for a list of your professional references if they are going to consider you for a job.  If your credit isn’t great or well established you will usually…

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You are a Cold Fish!…..and Other Ways to Lose a Candidate

August 23, 2018

Being the interviewer can be just as tough as being the interviewee.….knowing what you should and shouldn’t say, knowing what is legal and what isn’t and figuring out how you can get the most realistic indication of a potential employee from a brief conversation is tricky at best. The best interviewers are well trained, well…

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