HR Raw Blog
Once upon a time, the working world was neatly divided into two categories: white-collar jobs, where you needed a fancy degree and a love for spreadsheets, and blue-collar jobs, where you got your hands dirty and kept the world running. But the job market doesn’t do neat anymore—it’s messy, fast-moving, and changing by the second.…
Read MoreWe are in the fourth quarter, the home stretch of the year. For many organizations, this is a time for managers to offer reviews on performance, reflection on accomplishments, recognition of service, and recommendations for the future year. Employees from an individual perspective are doing the same—taking time to review, reflect, recognize, and make recommendations.…
Read MoreAmerican industrialist Henry Ford once said, “Don’t find fault—find a remedy.” While a bit blunt, his words remind us of our need to improve our performance with actual results, not just fault-finding. In other words, employee success and growth won’t happen by accident. It happens intentionally through planning and feedback—which means handling performance reviews with…
Read MoreBurnout. It’s a word we’ve all heard countless times, especially in the workplace. We all have experienced for ourselves or know others who have experienced employee burnout. Unfortunately, it’s more than just a buzzword. Burnout should be a major concern for employers, as it can lower your team’s performance, make it harder to retain workers,…
Read MoreWith so many people working from home these days, it’s common to have our coworkers’ pets pop up in our conversations, our social media updates, and our video calls. Though it may seem like a strange situation to some, the fact is, pets in the workplace can provide some benefits—though if companies are going to…
Read MoreHow to Position Your Business and Your Employees for Success During the COVID-19 School Year Today’s pandemic uncertainties are creating a unique set of difficulties for working parents, and the businesses that employ them. School districts are finalizing and announcing new plans at the very last minute. The usual school rhythm that working parents have…
Read MoreToday’s DEI efforts are more vital than ever, and yet many businesses don’t know how to approach the issue effectively. Bringing in the expertise of Who’s Your HR? can be extremely advantageous because we can ensure your company properly meets the demanding and intricate requirements for your industry.
Read MoreBack to Business Series Being an employer has always been complex. Navigating the legal nuances. Optimizing your workforce. Holding employees accountable. Building your business, your brand, and driving employee engagement. And then, COVID-19. COVID-19 has changed our world forever. While the workplace is only one of the aspects that have been impacted, the impact has…
Read MoreThink drug and alcohol testing just means an occasional urine sample? Think again. The situations businesses actually find themselves facing when it comes to substance testing are surprisingly complex. If you can imagine it, it’s happened. Even if you can’t imagine it, it probably still has happened. I’ve seen it, and I know. For more…
Read MoreThe beginning of the year is a great time to assess your current human resources systems and ensure they address existing local, state and federal requirements. With a new year and a new budget in hand, it’s a smart idea to invest some time into ensuring that your company is complying with all EEOC (Equal…
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